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For this short paper activity, you will learn about the three delays model, which explains why women and/or their babies so often die during childbirth in resource-poor settings. You will look at determinants of health, assess how they influence maternal mortality, and consider how they can be addressed through innovations and interventions that have worked well in similar situations. You may need to do some additional outside research to support your recommendations.

For this assignment, complete the following steps:

Review The Three Delays Model and Our Integrated Approach.
Watch Dying to Give Birth: One Woman’s Tale of Maternal Mortality. The captioned version of this video may be accessed in the following link:
In your short paper, specifically address the following critical elements:
Using the three delays model, identify two to three specific delays that Mama Sessay faced. Why are they significant?
What are the core determinants of health that contributed to the specific delays that you identified?
What policy recommendations could you make that might help remedy some of these specific delays?

The Three Delays Model and our Integrated Approach

What to Submit

Your short paper submission should be 1 to 2 pages in length. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA style for citations and formatting.


 This is a short essay that compares a common theme or motif in two works of literature. Choose two works of literature that we have studied so far in this course. Choose a common theme, topic, or motif in these two works. Your essay should present an argument based on one of the following prompts:

How do two stories from either different time periods or different countries treat gender?
How do two stories from either different time periods or different countries contribute to dangerous or positive social norms?

Hospital Adult Medical Surgical Collaboration Area

Topic : Hospital adult medical surgical collaboration area

a. Current Menu Analysis (5 points/5%)

Analyze the menus that the team has selected based on the following criteria and provide rationales for your analysis:
1. Healthy/unhealthy menu selections with rationale
2. Appropriate for nutritional requirements of age group with rationale
3. The influence of cultural and regional food practice with rationale
4. Does the menu selected provide adequate amounts of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals?
5. Over the course of a full day and week, are individuals provided with a balanced diet?
6. Does this diet allow for differences in dietary patterns related to the culture or age?

C. Compare Menus (20 points/20%)
1. Compare each original sample menu with its corresponding replacement menu
2. Explain why the team’s menus are better nutritional options for your two facilities.
3. Provides at least two references that support your choices on the slide or in the speaker’s notes

b. Barriers (10 points/10%)

1. Detail a barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal plans
2. Detail a second barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal plans
3. Detail a third barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal plans
a. Barriers may include:
i. Geographic location
ii. Health of the population
iii. Culture of the population and surrounding community
iv. Socioeconomic challenges
v. Available food choices
vi. Other barriers, as identified
vii. Include reference citations to support key points, as needed

Predictive and Qualitative Analysis Report

As a sales manager, you will use statistical methods to support actionable business decisions for Pastas R Us, Inc., a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes, soups, and salads. In simpler terms, you are reviewing available information to determine if what your company is doing works. In this assessment, you use predictive and qualitative analysis skills to create a report for the executive team from available Pastas R Us, Inc. data about the effectiveness of the current expansion criteria, loyalty card program, and marketing position. 


Since its inception, the Pastas R Us business development team has favored opening new restaurants in areas that satisfy the following demographic conditions within a 3-mile radius:

Median age is between 25–45 years old.
Household median income is above the national average.
At least 15% of the adult population is college educated.

Last year, the marketing department rolled out a loyalty card strategy to increase sales. Under this program, customers present their loyalty card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases.

The company has collected data from its 74 restaurants to track important variables such as average sales per customer, year-on-year sales growth, sales per sq. ft., loyalty card usage as a percentage of sales, and others. A key metric of financial performance in the restaurant industry is annual sales per sq. ft. For example, if a 1,200 sq. ft. restaurant recorded $2 million in sales last year, then it sold $1,667 per sq. ft. 


Analyze the Pastas R Us charts file for your report, including the scatter plots and regression equations for the following pairs of variables:

“Sales/Sq.Ft. ($)” versus “Bach. Degrees (%)”
“Median Income ($)” versus “Sales/Sq.Ft. ($)”
“Median Age (Years)” versus “Sales/Sq.Ft. ($)”
“Loyalty Card (%)” versus “Sales Growth (%)”

Assessment Deliverable

Write a 550-700-word predictive and qualitative analysis report of Pastas R Us, Inc. that includes the following sections: scope and descriptive statistics, analysis, and recommendations and implementation. 

Section 1: Scope and descriptive statistics

State the report’s objective.
Discuss the nature of the current data. What variables were analyzed?
Summarize your descriptive statistical findings from Week 1.

Section 2: Analysis 

Interpret the scatter plots and designate the type of relationship (increasing/positive, decreasing/negative, or no relationship) observed in each one.
Determine what you can conclude from these relationships. You may include a copy of each chart in your report, but it is not required. 

Section 3: Recommendations and implementation

Based on the findings, assess which expansion criteria seem to be more effective. Could any expansion criterion be changed or eliminated? If so, which one(s) and why?
Based on the findings, does it appear as if the loyalty card is positively correlated with sales growth? Would you recommend any changes to this marketing strategy?
Based on the findings, recommend market positioning that targets a specific demographic. (Hint: Are younger people patronizing the restaurants more than older people?) 
Include how the local culture and communities are represented in your market position in your recommendations.
Indicate what information should be collected to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your recommendations. How can this data be collected? (Hint: Would you use surveys/samples or census?)

Format your references according to APA guidelines.

Business Intelligence

Read the business intelligence articles:
Getting to Know the World of Business Intelligence
Business intelligence tomorrow…and what it means for today”
Locate information about three business intelligence products on the internet.
Compare and contrast the three business products. Answer the following:
Identify the three business intelligence products.
What problem does the sales literature say they are solving?
Is the solution a small-scale solution or an enterprise-level solution and why?
What types of reports can be generated?
What data can be searched with the software?
Does it have the capability to interact with Microsoft Office tools?
Write a three-page paper about your findings using APA formatting.
The use of a table for a summary comparison is required for this paper, and APA format is required for the table.
The length of the paper does not include the title page, reference page, or table.
Use at least three sources for this paper that were published within the last five years.
For questions on APA style, go to the APA Style guide.

Alcohol Abuse

The behaviors of a population can put it at risk for specific health conditions. Studies of human characteristics have shown that those with similar health risks can be targeted for population health improvement.

Choose two groups from the health conditions listed below.
Tobacco use
Alcohol abuse
Opioid addiction
Heart disease
Pancreatic cancer
Begin your project by briefly discussing why you have chosen the groups.
Research and discuss descriptive characteristics that are typically associated with the groups you have chosen.
Thoroughly research and discuss at least five different types of epidemiological tools used to study the two groups.
Finally, conclude with detailed recommendations for improving the health of those who develop the conditions you chose.

references for the citations in APA format.

Performance Improvement for Quality Care (Performance Improvement for Quality Care

Review the following lectures:

Performance Improvement for Quality Care (Performance Improvement for Quality Care

Leaders and managers in healthcare strive to provide the best care possible for the population they serve. In order to do so, appropriate data must be collected, analyzed, and then used to improve operations where necessary. There is a process known as performance improvement (PI), which includes establishment of quality indicators for assessment and monitoring. There are several important steps to PI that will be discussed during the week. PI processes should be in place for high-risk, high-volume, and problem-prone areas of an organization or a community.

In order for leaders and managers to pinpoint what to focus on, assessments must be conducted and a team of diversified people must assist the managers in developing quality indicators; these are specific processes in need of continuous data collection, analysis, monitoring, and measurement of effectiveness. Our textbook gives many examples of quality indicators. Some indicators require focus per accrediting bodies, such as medication error rates, surgical infection rates, and number of patient falls.

In order to collect data, surveillance tools must be used. Surveillance can be conducted in several ways:

Routinely, as with generalized hospital-wide surveillance on a monthly basis
Periodically (every few months, for example)
When needed, the review of prevalent issues that have occurred during a specified time frame
Targeted surveillance (as with a sudden problem with newborns with infections)
Outbreak surveillance

Surveillance tools include surveys, checklists, charts, graphs, and many other risk-specific tools for specific departments or other areas in the healthcare services field.

Use of graphs and charts assists managers and leaders in analyzing the data collected. Thresholds must be established, and if not met, action plans must be made and implemented to improve processes and quality of care. Continuous monitoring is imperative.

Benchmarking is an important part of the PI process and one that should always be in place when monitoring quality indicators. It is important for leaders to know how well their organization is performing. The data collected through PI can be used to compare an organization’s performance to that of peers and to national data, when available. This is called benchmarking.

Healthcare Tools

Quality healthcare is a goal of every healthcare organization in the United States. Without quality care, organizations would not survive long term. Healthcare leaders and managers strive to maintain and improve the quality of care that is provided by their respective organizations. These individuals use various tools to assist them in collecting, comparing, and analyzing healthcare data for the purpose of improving care. Below you will find links to two examples of these tools. Tools can be revised to fit specific needs since each organization might provide different services to different segments of the population.)

Total Quality Management(Total Quality Management

Total quality management (TQM), also known as quality improvement (QI), is a process that leaders and managers in healthcare use to ensure quality of care. TQM focuses on processes in place instead of individuals when quality care is not at a desired level. Part of the TQM process is a plan, do, study, act (PDSA) cycle.  Managers and leaders meet periodically to brainstorm ideas on how to promote the best service to the population they serve. Brainstorming leads to the creation of specific graphs and charts, known as fishbone diagrams and flow charts, among others discussed in Chapter 5, Quality of Care Management, of our textbook. These diagrams and charts are designed to help identify process failures that lead to errors or undesired outcomes.

Other types of formal processes used in healthcare organizations to improve processes and quality are failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) and root cause analysis (RCA). FMEA is a structured process that helps leaders and managers map out processes prior to implementation of new procedures. If leaders can pinpoint a possible entry for errors or risk in quality care, the process can be fixed prior to implementation; this is ideal. RCA, on the other hand, is a process that is put into place after errors or undesired outcomes occur. The intention of RCA is to dig deep into the cause of the error and then develop plans to prevent future errors. Then, data will be collected, analyzed, and monitored to assure plans result in desired outcomes.

PDSA Model

Total Quality Management (TQM) procedures are in place in healthcare organizations and are followed to ensure that quality care is being provided. TQM includes not only quality for patients but also quality for employees, physicians, visitors, and any other customer of the organization. Below you will find a Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) chart describing a particular type of model used by some TQM managers.

Review the tabs to know more about the PSDA model.

There are many organizations from which best practices can be obtained and guidelines to prevent errors can be followed. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Leapfrog Group, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Joint Commission (TJC), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF), and many other service-specific, reputable groups are organized to make healthcare safer for populations.)

Discussion Questions:

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right” and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.

As we have learned this week from our lectures and required textbook reading, leaders and managers in healthcare must work diligently and continuously to assess the health and needs of the populations they serve. Total quality management (TQM) is a process that is used to analyze the available relevant data, plan for improvements where necessary, implement plans, and monitor the plans for effectiveness through formal processes adopted.

After thorough research of credible sources from the South University Library and the Internet, please answer the following questions:

Why do the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) believe that prevention of inpatient admissions will improve the quality of care in populations served by hospitals?
What specific age group and diagnoses does the CMS monitor for readmissions?
Does research tell us that so far prevention of readmissions has improved the quality of care for patients?
How has hospital reimbursement been affected by the readmission standard mandated by the CMS?
What recommendations (best practices) to decrease hospital readmissions have been suggested by experts in the healthcare field?

The Death Penalty

Essay 3 is going to tie all of the skills you have developed so far together for your most formal essay of the semester. In this essay, you will create an argument about a current social issue that you choose to write about. Importantly, this essay requires that you conduct research into your topic so that you become well informed on the various elements and viewpoints on the issue.  

Now that key writing skills, like paragraph development and organization, have been established, you will learn how to use the library databases to do research and use the information you find to write a strong argumentative research paper about the topic you choose to write about. We will focus on developing an argument, including engaging with a counterargument and constructing a refutation to it. There will also be an emphasis in using the appropriate tone and writing to the rhetorical situation–meaning writing in a way that meets the expectations of a formal, research-informed essay.

The Prompt

For your third essay, you will consider a current social issue that interests you, perform research into that topic, and build an argument that takes a position on the issue.  Your job is to pose an effective argument on the topic of your choosing using the research you conduct into the matter as your support.  When considering the social issue you wish to write about, I suggest you choose something you have a connection to or great interest in.  Note, this does not mean that you write about your connection to the topic.  Rather, this is so that you choose to write about something you have an interest in and will, therefore, be motivated to research and write about. 

Keep in mind the scope of the issue—whether it is global, national, or local—and determine how you want to approach it.  Many social issues have a broad reach.  While some can apply across the entire globe, you may want to consider how it specifically affects your local community or the United States specifically.  As you decide on the scope you want to approach the issue, determine if you will be able to effectively discuss the issue, along with counterarguments and a proposed solution within the parameters of this paper. 

Finally, as you consider your topic, be sure to choose something that is relevant within the last two years.  To be clear, you may discuss an on-going issue that has been taking place for longer than two years, but if the issue has not been recently relevant (within the last two years), do not write about it. 

What do I mean by argument?

I want you to create an argument about your topic. This means you must go further than simply stating something is a social issue. Instead, you can create a an argument about the causes or effects of the issue, an argument for a specific solution for the social issue, or for or against one side of the argument, for example.

Your essay must include:
A strong, clearly stated thesis that makes an argument about your topic. (Beyond that it is an issue.)
Examination of 1-2 counterarguments and a refutation of those counterarguments.
Incorporation of 8 sources
At least 6 of those sources must be scholarly/academic found through the library databases
A strong conclusion that comments on the importance of the topic discussed and provides a call to action
Effectively argue a position about a current social issue
Construct a strongly worded thesis statement that makes an argument about your topic
Conduct academic research on your topic and analyze sources for credibility
Assess sources for credibility and relevancy 
Incorporate academic sources to provide support for your argument
Engage with at least one counterargument to demonstrate and refute an opposing point of view
Construct the argument through a series of distinct paragraphs that set up the main claim, support the argument, and conclude with a strong call to action
Guidelines and Requirements
8-10 pages: a minimum of 8 full pages, not including the Works Cited page
Incorporation of 8 sources; at least 6 must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources
MLA format
Include a creative/thoughtful/relevant title
Written in 3rd person only
Works Cited page
Details to Include in the Essay
A full explanation of the social issue and why it is a social issue
Include who is affected by the social issue
An overview of current viewpoints about the issue, including opposing sides
Historical background about the social issue
How it came to be an issue, the current state of the issue
Causes and effects of the issue
Your argument about the issue
Strong supporting points for your argument
A counterargument to your position and a refutation of that counterargument
A solution or a call to action
Tips for Writing This Essay
The first thing you want to do is pick a topic. As stated above, you want to pick something that interests you and that you will enjoy researching.
Once you pick your topic and gain a basic understanding of it and the differing viewpoints, you need to develop your own stance on the topic. For this essay, it is extremely important to establish a clear position to help guide your argument throughout the essay.
Do thorough research. It is important for you to research all sides of the topic, not just information that agrees with your position. It is required to include at least one counterargument in your essay, so you will need at least one credible source that opposes your argument. Further, this will help you have a broad understanding of the topic, which will only help you as you write. The research you use for this essay should all be published within the last 10 years. 
Develop your supporting points. Use good, credible sources to support your main claim. When you compose supporting points, you need to remain reasoned and focused. Avoid being emotional in composing your argument. That will weaken your argument and will affect the outcome. 
Picking Your Topic

You are free to choose your topic–for the most part. There are some parameters: the topic you choose should be a current, relevant social issue. We want to examine topics that matter right now. 

However, I have a short list of topics that you may not write about:

The death penalty
Euthanasia/Assisted suicide

Topics to be careful with:

Gun control
Make sure that you begin with an unbiased definition of gun control. Using a biased or incorrect definition as a basis for this topic (regardless of what you argue) will start your essay out on shaky ground, and you don’t want that.
Global warming/Climate Change
This is a popular topic. I’ve seen a lot of essays about global warming. So, if you pick this topic, please find a very specific angle to approach it rather than just “global warming needs to be fixed.” Also, it is advisable to use the term “climate change” rather than global warming.
COVID-19/Coronavirus and the pandemic
While it may seem like we’ve been dealing with this forever, in the grand scheme of things, it hasn’t been that long. There is a lot of speculation and misinformation related to the topic, and finding peer reviewed sources might prove difficult, so that is something to keep in mind. 
Additional Components

This essay is a lot of work in that it requires extensive research as well as planning for your essay. To help get this done, you will have three other assignments to complete during this essay unit:

A proposal in which you discuss the topic you have chosen to write about and some of your research plans
An annotated bibliography in which you showcase some of the research you have completed
An outline of the essay. (This counts as your pre-write assignment for Essay 3.)

Note: these assignments are separate from the essay and will figure into your overall grade as formative assignments.

Serial Killer- Richard Ramirez “Night Stalker”

Website to be used:

Parts of the paper:

Answer/Discuss the Following:
1. Describe the case you selected to include the personal history of the serial killer, the facts of the case and how the killer was eventually identified (less than two pages).
2. Discuss in detail the killer’s crime scenes and any crime scene patterns identified during the investigation. Describe why the patterns where significant to the investigation. Did investigators identify these patterns and use them to further their investigation?
3. Identifying two significant items of evidence recovered during the investigation and discuss why each item was so significant and how it could have, or did, lead to the identity of the killer.
4. Discuss the investigation and identify two deficiencies in the investigations, leading to the individual continuing their crimes. Discuss how these deficiencies could have been avoided or overcome.
5. Discuss two modern forensic, technological or database advances if in existence at the time of the killings could have been used to catch the killer earlier on in the investigation.

Format Requirements
• Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1”margins all around.
• All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information. These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.

War on Drugs

A Reaction Paper is designed to develop and sharpen your critical thinking and writing skills. Your objective in writing this assignment is to define an issue clearly and formulate and clarify your position by reacting to a controversial statement.Please cite at least one reference from a website provided in the Webliography,Has the War on Drugs been a success or a failure? Propose other solutions to our country’s drug problem.

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